MLM is short for Multi Level Marketing. This term refers to a business system, where the marketing of products or services performed by individuals who are independent (ie not tied to contracts with the company's business manager). These individuals then form a network to market products or services. From the result of personal and network sales, every month the company would consider a bonus or commission as a result of his efforts.
Because MLM is run using the mechanism in network marketing, MLM is referred to as Network Marketing. The perpetrators called Networker MLM. So, we as a distributor MLM Networker Melia Nature is running through the company's Network Marketing MLM - Melia Nature.
That is, although someone who joined the Melia Nature is not bound by employment contracts with the company, however, Melia Nature MLM distributor is a company that partners with each other (with Melia Nature) has been shoulder to shoulder each other's marketing products Melia Nature.
Very appropriate. Literally, Multi Level Marketing means the marketing of many levels. However, sometimes referred to as MLM Network Marketing (network marketing). That means the same thing, namely the marketing of products or services by a person or a group of independent people who form a network of the story.
Upline and downline, what that means?
Upline is a person who invited and register a person (eg, you) a member or distributor of an MLM company. Automatic, downline (in this case, you) is someone who was invited. When you become an active distributor and invite others to become members too, so you immediately called the upline of the people (downline) you take.
The answer varies. Each person will have different answers, although some people may answer the same.
Anybody want to become a distributor MLM after seeing the financial benefit factors and other material that may reach as a distributor success.
There are attracted because of the benefits of the products marketed an MLM company, where as a member, he can get a discount.
There are attracted by the personality and development opportunities offered pengetuhuan this business. Because, to be a marketer of products and building a successful network, a distributor must be received by any party who wanted to see
There is also due to social factors, which he earned as a member of the socialization of social and extensive relationship network
And, this is interesting, there was also because of the career. Because MLM business Melia Nature is not just a calculating business profits from time to time, but also has a career penjenjangan, where each time the performance criteria is reached or a particular achievement, a distributor position right up to the higher level, which enables reaching the various bonus features and commissions more attractive than the previous position.
This is a classic question common MLM distributors. The answer is simple: where there's a will, there is a way. So, hard or not, depending on the person who carry it out. If his will strong, then what would diidamkannya convenient.
At Melia Nature, had countless people who had felt no distributor will be a success, but now its role has been recognized by the community. They are the people who had no self confidence, pessimistic, no venture capital with a variety of professional backgrounds such as the paddle rickshaw, artisans soles, scavengers and others.
However, because these kinds of businesses open to anyone who would run it, many were former entrepreneurs, executives, managers, and private and government employees, the successful Melia Nature. The key one: to succeed or not.
Actually do not have the capital is not a barrier to success. This does not only happen in MLM business. In any type of business can also be used. The key, as already mentioned above: to succeed or not? Melia Nature for business, capital is needed, if any of the material, only the member registration fee and purchase of equipment to start this effort, called the Business Kit. Currently it costs Rp 100,000, - which is equivalent to the price of the Starter Kit of its own. If you want to succeed, you'll learn from people who had already successfully and tried to follow in his footsteps. Of course, still comply with the code of ethics MLM Melia Nature.
Learning HOW? FROM THE COMPANY OR OF upline?
Whose name can certainly learn from anyone and anything. But Melia Nature has designed training packages themselves for their business partners. These packages have been arranged in such a way, learning from the successes that had previously pioneered a brilliant career at the Melia Nature. Upline and the leader of anything you can get its own knowledge.
BENARKAH HAPPENS, PEOPLE CAN BE scavengers of Success?
If we regard this as a miracle, this is not a MLM business owners only. In the type of business or ordinary employment, if it diligently, one can succeed in life. Many people who previously did not have anything, could later become a wealthy businessman, and even some who became head of state or the number one man in a country. In the world of MLM, it is somewhat easier to achieve because of factors together. Konkritnya, fellow distributors will help each other and share success unconditionally. Based on this noble act, people who recently joined as a member would feel himself means that high energy to change her life. That's why studying the factors to be one important element, in addition to determination, in the MLM business.
For an emerging business in Indonesia (since April 1, 1988), image stabilization MLM is now running good enough. Because, from the data Asosisasi Indonesia Direct Sellers (APLI) in 1998, approximately 3 million people have registered as Indonesia distributor companies direct sales Indonesia.
However, as an emerging business, Part understandable if people are still looking at this business as a business that is not right for them. Among other things, because he felt himself pushed to become a distributor MLM by his prospective upline. Of course this should not be done. This is the practice unethical recruitment by prospective upline. If you feel pushed to be a MLM distributor, starting only in ways that are not this good.
However, less positive perception of this, there is also a result of business practices by a group of irresponsible people, who claim to be MLM but is not MLM. The latter is what really dropped MLM perception in the eyes of society.
Lots of variety. Among arisan chain.
Just to remind, do you remember the case of Arisan Ongko, Danasonic, Milk Langrose happened in Indonesia in the late 1980s until the early 1990s? They are claimed to be the MLM business, but it is not!
The other, there is also a game of money (money game), which is developing in Indonesia since the late 1990s. This money game is more directed to the velocity of money in recruitment practices as do members of the MLM business. For example, a business which resulted in the burning Kospin Pinrang town, in South Sulawesi, in 1998
There is also a binary practices, the money game like the explanation above, more emphasis than the velocity of money marketing the product
In general, practices which claimed MLM business is more focused on hiring someone to put money in a company that is said to run a business in MLM. Though selling activities / services almost non-existent. If there were, in fact only as camouflage.
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Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
What is MLM business
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